Heat Results

Heat Type

Excl SODI Sprint Race

Win By



12/09/2015 14:10


Andy Spencer

Heat Winner: RacerAndy Spencer
Best Lap60.628 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader- Average Lap61.141
ProSkill SCORE1709 This Round +/- 214
2nd Place: RacerKarl Spencer
Best Lap60.728 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader0.744 Average Lap61.208
ProSkill SCORE1480 This Round +/- 275
3rd Place: RacerLW- Louis Dymond
Best Lap60.605 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader1.157 Average Lap61.244
ProSkill SCORE1643 This Round +/- 198
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Neil Humpherston 60.833 4.775 19 61.335 1440
5 L - Jarrod Swain 60.84 5.186 19 61.395 1579
6 Trevor Hansford 60.773 9.491 19 61.59 1405
7 Bruce Shingler 61.078 13.296 19 61.771 1380
8 Tony Jessop 61.042 13.791 19 69.048 1360
9 Anonymous 61.048 14.143 19 61.81 1350
10 Anonymous 61.637 20.532 19 62.079 1320
11 Lee Watkins 61.498 21.442 19 62.126 1300
12 L - Tom Elliott 61.33 21.629 19 62.154 1285
13 L - Adam Boon 61.536 23.841 19 62.279 1450
14 Anonymous 61.599 24.772 19 62.335 1239
15 Jason Whittle 61.357 25.744 19 62.31 1219
16 Robert Moss 61.262 26.117 19 62.292 1199
17 Anonymous 62.078 39.949 19 63.051 1184
18 Ian Foy 62.251 40.114 19 62.989 1159
19 Alan Timms 62.489 48.691 19 63.452 1139
20 Adam Watkins 62.881 50.578 19 63.583 1119
21 Sam Stratford 63.005 54.796 19 63.683 1099
22 Clark Cowell 63.046 61.644 19 64.085 1084
23 Rachel Jenkins 63.005 62.364 19 64.142 1059
24 Nick Burns 62.179 63.336 19 64.22 1039
25 Paul Low 62.25 63.728 19 64.284 1024
26 James Handley 62.374 64.659 19 64.333 999
27 Tibor Polacsek 61.887 66.189 19 64.438 979
28 Anonymous 63.527 1L 18 64.787 959
29 Anonymous 61.761 1L 18 67.577 939

Lap Times by Racer

(Penalties: 0)
165.897 [12]
262.669 [12]
362.431 [13]
462.323 [13]
562.379 [13]
662.162 [13]
762.654 [14]
862.651 [13]
961.85 [13]
1062.281 [14]
1161.951 [13]
1261.889 [13]
1361.909 [13]
1461.599 [13]
1562.075 [14]
1661.906 [14]
1762.14 [14]
1861.64 [14]
1961.951 [14]
Andy Spencer
(Penalties: 0)
164.246 [2]
260.896 [2]
360.628 [2]
460.646 [2]
561.413 [2]
661.058 [2]
760.755 [2]
861.062 [2]
961.02 [2]
1060.9 [2]
1161.761 [1]
1261.019 [1]
1360.813 [1]
1461 [1]
1560.855 [1]
1660.71 [1]
1760.938 [1]
1860.916 [1]
1961.041 [1]
L - Tom Elliott
(Penalties: 0)
165.895 [13]
263.01 [14]
362.219 [14]
462.364 [14]
562.075 [14]
662.157 [14]
762.406 [13]
862.943 [14]
961.847 [14]
1061.372 [13]
1161.661 [12]
1261.33 [12]
1361.454 [12]
1461.516 [12]
1561.703 [12]
1661.64 [12]
1761.475 [12]
1861.868 [12]
1961.992 [12]
LW- Louis Dymond
(Penalties: 0)
164.2 [1]
260.689 [1]
361.02 [1]
461.083 [1]
561.308 [1]
660.897 [1]
760.897 [1]
861.039 [1]
960.732 [1]
1061.247 [1]
1162.343 [2]
1261.931 [3]
1360.605 [3]
1460.649 [3]
1560.772 [3]
1660.978 [3]
1761.186 [3]
1861.351 [3]
1960.709 [3]
L - Adam Boon
(Penalties: 0)
165.197 [10]
262.55 [10]
362.033 [10]
462.18 [11]
561.888 [11]
661.723 [10]
762.509 [11]
861.661 [11]
961.536 [11]
1062.075 [11]
1162.136 [10]
1261.808 [10]
1362.053 [10]
1461.557 [10]
1564.39 [13]
1662.282 [13]
1762.138 [13]
1861.867 [13]
1961.723 [13]
(Penalties: 0)
165.754 [8]
261.742 [7]
361.416 [6]
461.325 [6]
561.267 [6]
661.895 [6]
761.165 [6]
861.206 [6]
962.239 [7]
1061.807 [7]
1161.182 [7]
1261.308 [7]
1362.59 [8]
1462.843 [8]
1561.354 [9]
1661.263 [9]
1761.048 [9]
1861.242 [9]
1961.747 [9]
L - Jarrod Swain
(Penalties: 0)
165.342 [4]
261.681 [4]
361.082 [4]
460.896 [4]
561.641 [5]
661.082 [5]
761.226 [5]
861.21 [5]
960.893 [5]
1061.309 [5]
1161.082 [5]
1261.78 [5]
1360.84 [5]
1460.85 [5]
1560.858 [5]
1661.021 [5]
1761.268 [5]
1861.103 [5]
1961.347 [5]
Clark Cowell
(Penalties: 0)
166.231 [23]
265.838 [25]
364.018 [25]
463.605 [25]
563.377 [25]
663.399 [25]
763.401 [25]
864.222 [24]
964.452 [25]
1064.577 [24]
1164.576 [22]
1264.225 [21]
1363.625 [21]
1463.648 [22]
1563.046 [22]
1663.731 [22]
1763.458 [22]
1864.948 [24]
1963.237 [22]
(Penalties: 0)
165.34 [16]
263.012 [15]
362.078 [15]
462.602 [15]
562.436 [15]
662.509 [15]
762.398 [15]
862.682 [15]
962.612 [16]
1062.381 [16]
1162.782 [15]
1262.839 [15]
1364.184 [16]
1464.08 [16]
1563.492 [17]
1663.047 [17]
1763.242 [17]
1862.654 [17]
1963.604 [17]
Jason Whittle
(Penalties: 0)
165.735 [17]
263.431 [17]
362.989 [17]
462.943 [17]
562.69 [16]
662.265 [16]
761.883 [16]
861.357 [16]
961.748 [15]
1061.674 [15]
1161.744 [14]
1261.868 [14]
1361.829 [14]
1462.296 [14]
1562.291 [15]
1661.715 [15]
1761.918 [15]
1861.53 [15]
1961.975 [15]
Paul Low
(Penalties: 0)
170.305 [28]
266.571 [27]
362.771 [27]
464.118 [27]
564.597 [27]
663.212 [27]
762.84 [27]
863.233 [26]
963.109 [26]
1064.442 [25]
1164.834 [24]
1264.784 [24]
1363.46 [24]
1462.943 [23]
1564.491 [25]
1663.753 [25]
1765.611 [27]
1862.25 [27]
1964.069 [25]
Trevor Hansford
(Penalties: 0)
166.232 [9]
262.404 [9]
361.766 [9]
461.095 [7]
561.234 [7]
661.489 [7]
761.06 [7]
861.214 [7]
961.662 [6]
1061.209 [6]
1161.037 [6]
1260.958 [6]
1361.021 [6]
1460.998 [6]
1560.773 [6]
1661.06 [6]
1761.466 [6]
1861.133 [6]
1962.406 [6]
Tibor Polacsek
(Penalties: 0)
165.073 [15]
263.829 [16]
362.943 [16]
463.233 [16]
563.026 [17]
663.088 [17]
762.177 [17]
861.909 [17]
962.695 [17]
1087.24 [28]
1163.502 [26]
1262.343 [26]
1362.757 [25]
1462.055 [25]
1561.887 [26]
1662.695 [26]
1762.793 [25]
1862.659 [23]
1968.423 [27]
(Penalties: 0)
165.259 [11]
262.344 [11]
362.016 [11]
461.637 [10]
561.826 [10]
662.035 [11]
761.804 [10]
861.806 [10]
961.889 [10]
1062.053 [10]
1162.054 [9]
1261.786 [9]
1361.661 [9]
1461.868 [9]
1561.805 [10]
1661.972 [10]
1761.847 [10]
1861.93 [10]
1961.909 [10]
Tony Jessop
(Penalties: 0)
164.763 [5]
262.117 [6]
362.487 [7]
461.972 [8]
561.062 [8]
661.37 [8]
761.269 [8]
861.226 [8]
962.447 [9]
1061.476 [9]
11123.053 [28]
13123.756 [28]
1561.537 [8]
1661.35 [8]
1761.042 [8]
1861.124 [8]
1961.763 [8]
Neil Humpherston
(Penalties: 0)
165.523 [6]
261.201 [5]
360.885 [5]
461.144 [5]
560.913 [4]
661.107 [4]
761.247 [4]
861.016 [4]
960.963 [4]
1061.268 [4]
1161.22 [4]
1261.15 [4]
1361.042 [4]
1461.289 [4]
1560.833 [4]
1661.02 [4]
1761.269 [4]
1861.058 [4]
1961.208 [4]
Lee Watkins
(Penalties: 0)
165.591 [14]
262.695 [13]
362.053 [12]
462.116 [12]
562.014 [12]
661.867 [12]
762.033 [12]
861.498 [12]
962.156 [12]
1062.074 [12]
1161.971 [11]
1261.578 [11]
1361.641 [11]
1461.537 [11]
1561.847 [11]
1661.867 [11]
1761.638 [11]
1862.181 [11]
1962.033 [11]
Adam Watkins
(Penalties: 0)
166.026 [20]
264.08 [19]
363.521 [19]
463.46 [20]
563.13 [20]
662.881 [20]
763.584 [21]
864.431 [21]
962.964 [20]
1063.234 [19]
1163.315 [18]
1263.563 [18]
1363.687 [19]
1462.923 [19]
1563.894 [20]
1663.212 [20]
1763.377 [20]
1863.275 [20]
1963.522 [20]
Robert Moss
(Penalties: 0)
165.186 [18]
263.461 [18]
363.06 [18]
462.785 [18]
562.987 [18]
664.077 [18]
762.095 [18]
862.696 [18]
961.696 [18]
1062.264 [17]
1161.761 [16]
1261.83 [16]
1361.456 [15]
1461.331 [15]
1561.614 [16]
1661.398 [16]
1761.262 [16]
1861.265 [16]
1961.32 [16]
Karl Spencer
(Penalties: 0)
164.887 [3]
260.978 [3]
360.855 [3]
460.803 [3]
561.175 [3]
660.934 [3]
760.879 [3]
861.02 [3]
960.885 [3]
1061.124 [3]
1161.919 [3]
1260.979 [2]
1360.875 [2]
1460.728 [2]
1560.785 [2]
1661.082 [2]
1761.114 [2]
1861.044 [2]
1960.892 [2]
Nick Burns
(Penalties: 0)
167.724 [25]
263.567 [21]
363.017 [21]
462.948 [21]
562.818 [21]
662.903 [21]
762.818 [20]
871.628 [27]
970.347 [28]
1065.133 [27]
1163.709 [25]
1262.671 [25]
1363.355 [26]
1462.742 [26]
1562.549 [27]
1662.179 [27]
1762.964 [26]
1862.694 [26]
1964.412 [24]
Bruce Shingler
(Penalties: 0)
165.424 [7]
262.55 [8]
361.93 [8]
462.178 [9]
561.078 [9]
661.221 [9]
761.351 [9]
861.113 [9]
961.537 [8]
1061.94 [8]
1161.206 [8]
1261.13 [8]
1362.182 [7]
1461.809 [7]
1561.351 [7]
1661.131 [7]
1761.708 [7]
1861.248 [7]
1961.562 [7]
Alan Timms
(Penalties: 0)
165.818 [21]
266.128 [23]
363.894 [23]
463.314 [23]
562.489 [22]
662.613 [22]
762.571 [22]
863.521 [20]
963.543 [21]
1063.688 [20]
1162.654 [19]
1263.562 [19]
1362.758 [18]
1463.357 [18]
1563.977 [19]
1663.025 [19]
1763.027 [19]
1862.883 [19]
1962.77 [19]
Rachel Jenkins
(Penalties: 0)
166.933 [24]
264.243 [22]
363.65 [22]
463.401 [22]
563.984 [23]
663.719 [23]
763.935 [24]
864.164 [23]
963.293 [23]
1065.322 [23]
1165.053 [21]
1264.762 [22]
1363.543 [22]
1463.005 [21]
1565.114 [24]
1663.791 [24]
1763.397 [24]
1863.792 [25]
1963.605 [23]
James Handley
(Penalties: 0)
165.963 [19]
272.433 [28]
363.399 [28]
463.17 [28]
563.109 [26]
662.777 [26]
763.14 [26]
862.374 [25]
962.593 [24]
1063.914 [22]
1166.728 [23]
1264.803 [23]
1363.316 [23]
1463.873 [24]
1563.275 [23]
1663.418 [23]
1763.564 [23]
1863.335 [22]
1967.141 [26]
(Penalties: 0)
167.783 [27]
265.217 [26]
364.246 [26]
463.997 [26]
565.197 [28]
664.06 [28]
764.122 [28]
864.803 [28]
964.061 [27]
1067.595 [26]
1165.44 [27]
1263.527 [27]
1364.039 [27]
1464.267 [27]
1563.646 [28]
1664.932 [28]
1764.801 [28]
1864.431 [28]
Ian Foy
(Penalties: 0)
165.899 [22]
263.812 [20]
363.335 [20]
462.593 [19]
563.025 [19]
662.509 [19]
762.529 [19]
863.461 [19]
962.57 [19]
1062.551 [18]
1162.715 [17]
1262.504 [17]
1363.465 [17]
1462.737 [17]
1562.384 [18]
1662.716 [18]
1762.664 [18]
1862.251 [18]
1963.066 [18]
(Penalties: 0)
1141.849 [29]
264.245 [29]
362.304 [29]
462.219 [29]
563.216 [29]
662.177 [29]
761.761 [29]
862.488 [29]
963.795 [29]
1071.995 [29]
1162.159 [29]
1262.074 [28]
1362.468 [29]
1463.377 [28]
1563.873 [29]
1662.463 [29]
1761.831 [29]
1862.095 [29]
Sam Stratford
(Penalties: 0)
166.934 [26]
263.812 [24]
363.969 [24]
463.282 [24]
563.87 [24]
663.153 [24]
763.485 [23]
863.807 [22]
963.378 [22]
1063.99 [21]
1163.716 [20]
1263.563 [20]
1363.253 [20]
1463.522 [20]
1563.088 [21]
1663.419 [21]
1763.191 [21]
1863.543 [21]
1963.005 [21]