Heat Results

Heat Type

Excl SODI Sprint Race

Win By



12/09/2015 14:30


LW- Louis Dymond

Heat Winner: RacerLW- Louis Dymond
Best Lap60.276 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader- Average Lap60.822
ProSkill SCORE1837 This Round +/- 194
2nd Place: RacerAndy Spencer
Best Lap60.403 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader1.509 Average Lap60.95
ProSkill SCORE1861 This Round +/- 152
3rd Place: RacerKarl Spencer
Best Lap60.575 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader9.305 Average Lap61.344
ProSkill SCORE1665 This Round +/- 185
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Trevor Hansford 60.545 9.471 19 61.294 1587
5 Anonymous 60.539 10.721 19 61.301 1521
6 L - Jarrod Swain 60.565 11.703 19 61.392 1665
7 Lee Watkins 61.332 22.952 19 61.922 1440
8 Neil Humpherston 60.783 23.262 19 62.038 1519
9 Robert Moss 61.058 23.666 19 61.915 1323
10 Adam Watkins 60.751 28.081 19 62.099 1241
11 Anonymous 61.392 28.431 19 62.225 1373
12 L - Tom Elliott 61.392 29.218 19 62.241 1326
13 L - Adam Boon 61.206 29.429 19 62.235 1421
14 Tony Jessop 60.855 29.549 19 62.309 1339
15 Jason Whittle 61.261 29.635 19 62.223 1219
16 Anonymous 61.455 30.665 19 62.292 1213
17 Anonymous 62.157 38.203 19 62.638 1155
18 Anonymous 61.57 40.301 19 62.638 959
19 Tibor Polacsek 61.496 43.939 19 62.854 976
20 Bruce Shingler 60.824 44.560 19 63.11 1231
21 Alan Timms 61.743 45.016 19 62.989 1056
22 Ian Foy 61.764 48.510 19 63.203 1050
23 Nick Burns 62.301 49.543 19 63.177 952
24 James Handley 61.807 53.100 19 63.347 910
25 Anonymous 62.696 1L 18 63.908 865
26 Sam Stratford 62.674 1L 18 64.125 943
27 Paul Low 62.489 1L 18 64.172 877
28 Clark Cowell 62.839 1L 18 65.991 897
29 Rachel Jenkins 62.469 2L 17 63.94 864

Lap Times by Racer

(Penalties: 0)
169.191 [16]
262.529 [16]
361.865 [15]
461.971 [14]
561.702 [14]
661.578 [13]
761.786 [13]
861.961 [13]
961.923 [14]
1061.802 [14]
1161.62 [14]
1262.095 [14]
1361.516 [14]
1462.033 [14]
1561.455 [14]
1662.292 [15]
1762.333 [16]
1861.909 [16]
1961.992 [16]
Andy Spencer
(Penalties: 0)
165.755 [2]
260.975 [2]
360.751 [2]
460.834 [2]
560.751 [2]
660.529 [2]
760.69 [2]
860.733 [2]
960.54 [2]
1060.57 [2]
1160.582 [2]
1260.586 [2]
1360.607 [2]
1460.403 [2]
1560.489 [2]
1660.761 [2]
1760.834 [2]
1860.71 [2]
1960.958 [2]
L - Tom Elliott
(Penalties: 0)
165.507 [7]
261.848 [7]
361.619 [7]
461.744 [7]
562.075 [8]
661.971 [8]
761.454 [8]
861.517 [8]
961.433 [8]
1061.93 [8]
1161.806 [8]
1263.377 [9]
1362.633 [11]
1462.695 [12]
1561.392 [12]
1663.109 [12]
1762.592 [12]
1861.888 [13]
1961.992 [12]
LW- Louis Dymond
(Penalties: 0)
163.848 [1]
260.897 [1]
360.814 [1]
460.729 [1]
560.814 [1]
660.627 [1]
760.706 [1]
860.57 [1]
960.729 [1]
1060.669 [1]
1160.67 [1]
1260.75 [1]
1360.421 [1]
1460.585 [1]
1560.276 [1]
1660.38 [1]
1760.584 [1]
1860.773 [1]
1960.772 [1]
L - Adam Boon
(Penalties: 0)
166.557 [10]
261.558 [10]
362.136 [9]
461.269 [9]
561.662 [9]
661.412 [9]
761.847 [9]
861.206 [9]
961.599 [9]
1061.59 [9]
1162.001 [9]
1263.005 [8]
1362.179 [9]
1462.964 [11]
1561.619 [11]
1663.026 [11]
1762.343 [11]
1861.433 [11]
1963.052 [13]
(Penalties: 0)
164.157 [4]
261.109 [4]
361.62 [5]
460.874 [5]
561.186 [5]
661.348 [5]
761.251 [5]
861.082 [5]
961.799 [5]
1061.089 [5]
1161.123 [5]
1260.772 [5]
1361.102 [5]
1461.084 [5]
1561.288 [5]
1660.539 [5]
1761.149 [5]
1861.265 [5]
1960.889 [5]
L - Jarrod Swain
(Penalties: 0)
167.782 [9]
261.657 [9]
361.166 [8]
461.952 [8]
561.043 [7]
661.681 [7]
761.175 [6]
861.072 [6]
960.726 [6]
1060.814 [6]
1160.693 [6]
1261.578 [6]
1360.773 [6]
1460.751 [6]
1560.73 [6]
1660.958 [6]
1760.586 [6]
1860.565 [6]
1960.751 [6]
Clark Cowell
(Penalties: 0)
1102.251 [29]
265.839 [29]
363.791 [29]
463.729 [29]
563.791 [29]
663.873 [29]
763.936 [29]
863.667 [29]
964.059 [29]
1064.329 [29]
1164.056 [29]
1265.242 [29]
1363.832 [29]
1463.542 [29]
1562.986 [29]
1662.839 [29]
1763.104 [29]
1862.969 [28]
(Penalties: 0)
166.19 [12]
262.157 [12]
362.923 [13]
462.334 [13]
562.167 [13]
662.446 [14]
762.196 [14]
862.574 [15]
962.191 [15]
1063.051 [16]
1162.254 [16]
1262.498 [17]
1362.232 [17]
1462.158 [17]
1563.033 [17]
1662.282 [17]
1762.385 [17]
1862.302 [17]
1962.747 [17]
Jason Whittle
(Penalties: 0)
167.118 [13]
262.038 [13]
362.052 [12]
461.473 [12]
561.806 [12]
661.785 [12]
761.868 [12]
861.59 [12]
961.261 [12]
1061.588 [12]
1161.626 [12]
1261.806 [12]
1364.225 [13]
1461.589 [13]
1561.465 [13]
1662.178 [13]
1763.107 [14]
1861.93 [15]
1961.728 [15]
Paul Low
(Penalties: 0)
174.357 [27]
262.489 [27]
362.943 [26]
462.881 [25]
563.729 [24]
662.761 [24]
762.628 [24]
871.87 [28]
963.032 [28]
1062.778 [28]
1162.819 [28]
1263.368 [28]
1362.602 [28]
1462.817 [28]
1562.799 [28]
1662.875 [28]
1765.472 [28]
1862.877 [27]
Trevor Hansford
(Penalties: 0)
164.842 [3]
261.416 [3]
360.972 [3]
460.609 [3]
560.877 [3]
661.391 [4]
760.752 [4]
861.102 [4]
963.234 [4]
1060.812 [4]
1160.607 [4]
1260.878 [4]
1361.266 [4]
1461.019 [4]
1560.545 [4]
1661.044 [4]
1761.079 [4]
1861.226 [4]
1960.918 [4]
Tibor Polacsek
(Penalties: 0)
169.788 [24]
262.571 [24]
362.011 [23]
462.902 [22]
563.46 [22]
661.889 [22]
761.905 [18]
869.151 [23]
961.971 [23]
1061.558 [23]
1161.722 [22]
1261.496 [22]
1361.889 [22]
1462.426 [22]
1561.603 [21]
1662.402 [20]
1761.661 [19]
1861.93 [19]
1961.887 [19]
(Penalties: 0)
166.707 [8]
261.702 [8]
363.067 [10]
461.786 [10]
561.557 [10]
661.684 [10]
761.99 [10]
861.392 [11]
962.178 [11]
1061.599 [11]
1161.475 [11]
1261.889 [11]
1362.012 [10]
1461.662 [9]
1562.55 [10]
1662.653 [10]
1761.848 [10]
1861.826 [10]
1962.695 [11]
Tony Jessop
(Penalties: 0)
175.95 [26]
261.722 [25]
361.455 [25]
462.507 [24]
562.655 [21]
661.848 [20]
762.59 [20]
861.972 [17]
960.855 [17]
1061.143 [17]
1161 [17]
1260.916 [16]
1360.959 [16]
1461.093 [16]
1560.905 [16]
1661.248 [16]
1761.765 [15]
1861.226 [14]
1962.055 [14]
Neil Humpherston
(Penalties: 0)
174.006 [22]
262.365 [21]
362.688 [20]
461.936 [17]
561.553 [16]
660.984 [15]
761.06 [15]
860.793 [14]
961.623 [13]
1061.349 [13]
1161.039 [13]
1261.203 [13]
1361.148 [12]
1460.783 [10]
1561.383 [9]
1660.956 [9]
1761.351 [9]
1860.928 [9]
1961.567 [8]
Lee Watkins
(Penalties: 0)
164.785 [6]
261.495 [6]
362.075 [6]
462.074 [6]
561.828 [6]
661.578 [6]
762.301 [7]
861.516 [7]
961.332 [7]
1061.867 [7]
1161.661 [7]
1262.033 [7]
1361.869 [7]
1461.743 [7]
1561.913 [7]
1661.514 [7]
1761.619 [7]
1861.743 [7]
1961.578 [7]
Adam Watkins
(Penalties: 0)
169.731 [21]
262.778 [20]
363.088 [21]
461.888 [19]
562.384 [18]
661.723 [16]
761.682 [16]
861.517 [16]
961.185 [16]
1061.703 [15]
1162.054 [15]
1261.165 [15]
1360.874 [15]
1461.438 [15]
1561.223 [15]
1660.751 [14]
1762.406 [13]
1860.896 [12]
1961.393 [10]
Robert Moss
(Penalties: 0)
166.42 [11]
261.744 [11]
362.24 [11]
461.951 [11]
561.515 [11]
661.683 [11]
762.012 [11]
861.183 [10]
961.953 [10]
1061.103 [10]
1161.164 [10]
1262.789 [10]
1361.551 [8]
1461.303 [8]
1561.058 [8]
1661.334 [8]
1761.471 [8]
1861.689 [8]
1962.229 [9]
Karl Spencer
(Penalties: 0)
166.599 [5]
261.434 [5]
360.668 [4]
460.793 [4]
560.648 [4]
660.575 [3]
760.896 [3]
861.093 [3]
961.123 [3]
1061.082 [3]
1160.999 [3]
1261.072 [3]
1361.217 [3]
1461.247 [3]
1561.413 [3]
1661.165 [3]
1761.227 [3]
1861.103 [3]
1961.185 [3]
Nick Burns
(Penalties: 0)
167.512 [18]
262.84 [17]
362.797 [17]
463.11 [16]
562.571 [17]
662.529 [18]
763.584 [17]
862.903 [18]
962.301 [18]
1062.902 [18]
1162.57 [18]
1263.171 [19]
1363.495 [21]
1462.972 [21]
1563.128 [22]
1662.902 [21]
1762.797 [22]
1863.709 [23]
1962.57 [23]
Bruce Shingler
(Penalties: 0)
173.468 [23]
262.116 [22]
362.86 [22]
462.096 [20]
563.336 [19]
662.209 [19]
762.716 [19]
868.374 [22]
961.265 [22]
1062.457 [22]
1161.261 [21]
1261.472 [21]
1361.578 [20]
1460.824 [19]
1561.113 [18]
1668.195 [22]
1761.32 [21]
1860.989 [21]
1961.433 [20]
Alan Timms
(Penalties: 0)
168.387 [17]
263.624 [19]
362.427 [18]
462.902 [18]
566.313 [23]
662.54 [23]
762.251 [23]
863.543 [20]
961.743 [20]
1062.075 [20]
1162.509 [20]
1262.034 [20]
1361.846 [19]
1462.612 [20]
1562.447 [20]
1662.53 [19]
1762.446 [20]
1861.992 [20]
1962.572 [21]
Rachel Jenkins
(Penalties: 0)
166.045 [14]
262.571 [14]
362.901 [14]
462.469 [15]
563.148 [15]
663.875 [17]
765.021 [22]
865.579 [21]
962.654 [21]
1063.171 [21]
1163.418 [23]
1263.171 [23]
1362.905 [23]
1464.594 [24]
1565.973 [25]
1665.268 [25]
1764.216 [25]
James Handley
(Penalties: 0)
167.906 [20]
264.431 [23]
362.531 [24]
468.112 [26]
563.624 [25]
662.965 [25]
762.611 [25]
862.345 [24]
962.777 [24]
1063.13 [25]
1162.409 [25]
1261.843 [25]
1362.632 [25]
1463.813 [25]
1563.107 [24]
1661.807 [24]
1762.963 [24]
1861.972 [24]
1962.612 [24]
(Penalties: 0)
170.201 [25]
264.39 [26]
365.281 [27]
463.831 [28]
563.501 [27]
663.606 [27]
763.48 [27]
863.605 [26]
962.943 [26]
1063.274 [26]
1162.696 [26]
1262.797 [26]
1363.791 [26]
1463.378 [26]
1562.756 [26]
1663.005 [26]
1763.358 [26]
1864.452 [25]
Ian Foy
(Penalties: 0)
177.789 [28]
262.303 [28]
363.005 [28]
463.15 [27]
562.612 [26]
662.675 [26]
762.901 [26]
862.303 [25]
962.466 [25]
1062.365 [24]
1161.805 [24]
1262.117 [24]
1363.083 [24]
1462.307 [23]
1561.934 [23]
1662.21 [23]
1761.831 [23]
1862.241 [22]
1961.764 [22]
(Penalties: 0)
166.686 [19]
262.793 [18]
363.217 [19]
464.287 [23]
562.508 [20]
662.344 [21]
762.694 [21]
864.641 [19]
962.069 [19]
1061.624 [19]
1162.178 [19]
1261.944 [18]
1362.06 [18]
1461.889 [18]
1562.177 [19]
1661.57 [18]
1761.692 [18]
1861.764 [18]
1961.992 [18]
Sam Stratford
(Penalties: 0)
166.5 [15]
262.753 [15]
363.691 [16]
464.659 [21]
576.384 [28]
662.674 [28]
763.316 [28]
863.191 [27]
962.922 [27]
1062.981 [27]
1162.74 [27]
1263.295 [27]
1362.695 [27]
1462.736 [27]
1562.943 [27]
1662.84 [27]
1764.225 [27]
1863.708 [26]