Heat Results

Heat Type

Excl SODI D40 Split

Win By

Best Lap


28/06/2020 11:00


Stephen Mayoh

Heat Winner: RacerStephen Mayoh
Best Lap61.38 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap63.576
ProSkill SCORE1600 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerTrevor Hansford
Best Lap61.48 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.100 Average Lap61.648
ProSkill SCORE1815 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerJon Derbyshire
Best Lap61.495 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.115 Average Lap61.648
ProSkill SCORE1335 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Tony Jessop 61.758 0.378 4 62.055 1646
5 Paul Low 61.775 0.395 5 62.19 1123
6 Nicklas Mason 61.825 0.445 4 61.998 1318
7 Pete Darby 61.948 0.568 5 62.286 1809
8 Callum Horne 62.01 0.630 4 62.133 1300
9 Dion Martin 62.071 0.691 5 62.682 1260
10 Shaun Sykes 62.173 0.793 5 62.635 1240
11 Neil Graham 62.414 1.034 4 62.503 1733
12 Sam Lennox 62.483 1.103 4 62.645 1773
13 HW - Mark Mason 62.788 1.408 5 63.038 1345
14 Simon Badland 62.823 1.443 5 63.176 1235
15 Danny Barker 63.046 1.666 5 64.804 1205
16 Hugh Moreton 63.152 1.772 5 63.542 1415

Lap Times by Racer

HW - Mark Mason
(Penalties: 0)
1231.425 [12]
263.58 [14]
362.788 [13]
462.85 [13]
562.934 [13]
Nicklas Mason
(Penalties: 0)
163.501 [7]
262.204 [4]
361.825 [5]
461.966 [6]
Paul Low
(Penalties: 0)
1232.473 [14]
262.972 [10]
361.813 [4]
461.775 [5]
562.198 [5]
Trevor Hansford
(Penalties: 0)
162.38 [1]
261.48 [1]
361.757 [1]
461.708 [2]
Tony Jessop
(Penalties: 0)
162.515 [2]
262.018 [3]
361.758 [3]
462.39 [4]
Pete Darby
(Penalties: 0)
1232.707 [15]
262.612 [8]
362.19 [9]
461.948 [7]
562.396 [7]
Sam Lennox
(Penalties: 0)
163.155 [5]
262.483 [6]
362.664 [11]
462.788 [12]
Neil Graham
(Penalties: 0)
162.981 [4]
262.488 [7]
362.607 [12]
462.414 [11]
Hugh Moreton
(Penalties: 0)
1223.226 [8]
263.467 [12]
363.914 [16]
463.633 [16]
563.152 [16]
Shaun Sykes
(Penalties: 0)
1232.87 [16]
262.818 [9]
362.173 [8]
462.763 [10]
562.787 [10]
Stephen Mayoh
(Penalties: 0)
1223.689 [9]
268.506 [15]
362.066 [7]
461.38 [1]
562.353 [1]
Callum Horne
(Penalties: 0)
163.221 [6]
262.232 [5]
362.01 [6]
462.157 [8]
Jon Derbyshire
(Penalties: 0)
162.517 [3]
261.609 [2]
361.84 [2]
461.495 [3]
Dion Martin
(Penalties: 0)
1231.575 [13]
263.166 [11]
362.467 [10]
462.071 [9]
563.025 [9]
Simon Badland
(Penalties: 0)
1231.403 [11]
263.487 [13]
362.823 [14]
463.369 [14]
563.024 [14]
Danny Barker
(Penalties: 0)
1225.774 [10]
269.362 [16]
363.317 [15]
463.489 [15]
563.046 [15]