Heat Results

Heat Type

SODI Discount D40 Open Race

Win By

Best Lap


26/03/2016 11:45



Heat Winner: RacerAnonymous
Best Lap74.663 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader- Average Lap83.448
ProSkill SCORE1220 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerAnonymous
Best Lap75.808 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader1.145 Average Lap80.526
ProSkill SCORE1240 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerL - Tom Elliott
Best Lap77.067 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader2.404 Average Lap80.099
ProSkill SCORE1341 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Anonymous 77.624 2.961 4 78.031 1345
5 L - Michael Ta... 79.092 4.429 4 80.126 1350
6 Richie Phillips 79.546 4.883 4 80.843 1802
7 Mathew Harris 79.899 5.236 4 82.125 1205
8 HW - Luke Inglis 80.912 6.249 3 83.424 1280
9 Alessio Gallo 81.407 6.744 3 152.033 1439
10 Martin Staplef... 81.632 6.969 4 82.993 1205
11 Neil Orwin 82.79 8.127 3 85.769 1210
12 Andreas Avraam 83.001 8.338 4 85.626 1205
13 Daniel Staplef... 83.811 9.148 4 85.496 1205
14 Christian Stap... 94.063 19.400 3 105.415 1205

Lap Times by Racer

L - Tom Elliott
(Penalties: 0)
179.051 [3]
277.996 [3]
377.067 [2]
485.233 [3]
Neil Orwin
(Penalties: 0)
188.608 [10]
282.79 [11]
388.748 [11]
Alessio Gallo
(Penalties: 0)
183.6 [6]
281.407 [9]
3222.659 [9]
L - Michael Ta...
(Penalties: 0)
182.194 [5]
279.092 [5]
379.32 [5]
481.966 [5]
HW - Luke Inglis
(Penalties: 0)
187.591 [8]
280.912 [8]
385.937 [8]
(Penalties: 0)
180.374 [4]
277.624 [2]
378.163 [3]
478.306 [4]
(Penalties: 0)
178.204 [1]
275.808 [1]
383.514 [1]
482.255 [2]
Richie Phillips
(Penalties: 0)
189.515 [11]
279.856 [6]
383.126 [6]
479.546 [6]
(Penalties: 0)
178.886 [2]
281.759 [4]
393.923 [4]
474.663 [1]
Mathew Harris
(Penalties: 0)
186.598 [7]
279.899 [7]
386.288 [7]
480.189 [7]
Andreas Avraam
(Penalties: 0)
187.86 [9]
284.033 [12]
383.001 [12]
489.844 [12]
Christian Stap...
(Penalties: 0)
194.063 [14]
2100.846 [14]
3109.984 [14]
Martin Staplef...
(Penalties: 0)
191.106 [12]
281.632 [10]
382.57 [10]
484.778 [10]
Daniel Staplef...
(Penalties: 0)
191.457 [13]
287.054 [13]
385.622 [13]
483.811 [13]