Heat Results

Heat Type

DMAX-GT Race Practice

Win By

Best Lap


18/05/2024 17:00


LW - Jacob Hol...

Heat Winner: RacerLW - Jacob Hol...
Best Lap55.004 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader- Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE2205 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerLW- Alex Jackson
Best Lap55.52 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader0.516 Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE2150 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerAnonymous
Best Lap55.707 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader0.703 Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE1605 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 LW - Richard L... 56.22 1.216 1 0 3600
5 Anonymous 56.389 1.385 1 0 1390
6 Anonymous 56.409 1.405 1 0 1375
7 (LR) LW - Jack... 56.668 1.664 1 0 1640
8 LW - Dhena Rohan 56.989 1.985 1 0 2050
9 HW - William H... 57.32 2.316 1 0 1250

Lap Times by Racer

LW - Richard L...
(Penalties: 0)
156.22 [4]
LW- Alex Jackson
(Penalties: 0)
155.52 [2]
(Penalties: 0)
156.389 [5]
(Penalties: 0)
155.707 [3]
LW - Dhena Rohan
(Penalties: 0)
156.989 [8]
LW - Jacob Hol...
(Penalties: 0)
155.004 [1]
(LR) LW - Jack...
(Penalties: 0)
156.668 [7]
(Penalties: 0)
156.409 [6]
HW - William H...
(Penalties: 0)
157.32 [9]