Heat Results

Heat Type

Inkart Heat

Win By



01/06/2024 15:25


Colin Marshall

Heat Winner: RacerColin Marshall
Best Lap63.13 # of Laps9 Gap from Leader- Average Lap64.262
ProSkill SCORE1230 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerChris Fuller
Best Lap63.315 # of Laps9 Gap from Leader1.530 Average Lap64.368
ProSkill SCORE1225 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerPaul Walsh
Best Lap64.065 # of Laps9 Gap from Leader2.299 Average Lap64.702
ProSkill SCORE1215 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Barry Lakes 64.247 2.300 9 64.8 1245
5 James Lawson 64.225 3.495 9 64.867 1225
6 Max Meldrum 64.122 3.721 9 64.935 1225
7 Arran Bell 64.37 5.065 9 65.046 1240
8 Laurence Tind... 63.603 5.789 9 64.915 1215
9 Michael Winder 64.081 5.728 9 65.149 1215
10 James Millar 63.58 9.243 9 65.455 1240
11 Jonathan Wilson 63.833 6.948 9 65.005 1225
12 Graham Fernandez 63.977 8.684 9 65.379 1235
13 Matthew Clarke 63.275 9.367 9 65.257 1235
14 Tom Fox 64.515 10.380 9 65.514 1215
15 Ben Pickard 64.185 12.158 9 65.537 1245
16 Anonymous 63.977 12.344 9 65.664 1430
17 Luke Burrow 64.701 13.420 9 65.951 1185
18 Lewis Jolley 64.97 14.950 9 65.992 1215
19 Scott Graham 64.35 15.116 9 65.848 1215
20 Keith Simmons 65.509 20.347 9 66.273 1225
21 Brittaini Norf... 64.826 21.215 9 66.604 1215
22 Ed Cox 64.102 21.360 9 66.67 1215

Lap Times by Racer

Luke Burrow
(Penalties: 0)
169.561 [10]
266.561 [13]
366.067 [17]
467.266 [19]
564.865 [19]
664.909 [19]
764.866 [19]
864.701 [17]
964.764 [17]
Matthew Clarke
(Penalties: 0)
169.313 [17]
265.818 [18]
364.576 [16]
465.116 [16]
565.486 [16]
665.032 [16]
764.557 [16]
864.142 [14]
963.275 [13]
Ben Pickard
(Penalties: 0)
168.174 [14]
265.757 [15]
364.618 [14]
465.343 [14]
566.375 [17]
664.185 [15]
765.052 [15]
865.818 [16]
964.515 [15]
Barry Lakes
(Penalties: 0)
164.887 [1]
264.908 [1]
364.287 [1]
464.247 [1]
564.391 [1]
665.362 [1]
765.198 [1]
865.197 [2]
964.727 [4]
Arran Bell
(Penalties: 0)
166.418 [5]
265.735 [6]
364.37 [6]
465.776 [6]
564.764 [7]
664.473 [7]
764.474 [7]
864.598 [7]
964.804 [7]
(Penalties: 0)
169.829 [16]
265.693 [16]
364.827 [15]
465.031 [15]
565.342 [14]
663.977 [13]
765.695 [14]
865.631 [15]
964.949 [16]
James Millar
(Penalties: 0)
175.702 [21]
263.625 [20]
363.772 [19]
463.812 [17]
565.217 [15]
663.936 [14]
765.509 [13]
863.94 [13]
963.58 [12]
Graham Fernandez
(Penalties: 0)
167.369 [7]
264.68 [7]
365.445 [8]
464.453 [8]
566.771 [10]
665.052 [10]
765.693 [11]
864.97 [11]
963.977 [11]
Lewis Jolley
(Penalties: 0)
167.864 [8]
265.673 [9]
365.384 [10]
465.528 [11]
566.438 [13]
666.645 [17]
764.97 [17]
866.376 [18]
965.053 [18]
Paul Walsh
(Penalties: 0)
166.191 [6]
264.639 [5]
364.328 [4]
464.227 [4]
564.514 [4]
664.577 [5]
765.281 [5]
864.493 [4]
964.065 [3]
Tom Fox
(Penalties: 0)
168.878 [11]
265.631 [11]
364.908 [12]
465.719 [12]
565.503 [12]
664.515 [12]
765.073 [12]
864.578 [12]
964.825 [14]
James Lawson
(Penalties: 0)
165.093 [2]
264.225 [2]
364.267 [2]
464.264 [2]
564.374 [2]
665.363 [2]
765.92 [3]
865.364 [5]
964.929 [5]
Ed Cox
(Penalties: 0)
170.16 [18]
265.57 [17]
366.025 [18]
471.875 [22]
564.225 [22]
664.226 [22]
765.177 [20]
864.102 [20]
968.671 [22]
Max Meldrum
(Penalties: 0)
165.941 [3]
264.868 [3]
364.371 [3]
464.328 [3]
564.122 [3]
665.384 [4]
765.61 [6]
864.908 [6]
964.887 [6]
Colin Marshall
(Penalties: 0)
167.348 [9]
263.502 [8]
363.816 [7]
464.763 [5]
563.208 [5]
663.212 [3]
764.991 [2]
864.391 [1]
963.13 [1]
Chris Fuller
(Penalties: 0)
168.092 [13]
264.328 [10]
363.834 [9]
463.853 [9]
564.267 [6]
663.315 [6]
763.379 [4]
864.412 [3]
963.832 [2]
Jonathan Wilson
(Penalties: 0)
168.899 [15]
265.302 [14]
364.638 [13]
465.321 [13]
564.433 [11]
663.92 [11]
764.655 [10]
863.833 [10]
964.04 [10]
Keith Simmons
(Penalties: 0)
169.374 [20]
266.417 [21]
365.715 [21]
466.417 [20]
565.509 [20]
665.569 [20]
766.256 [21]
865.669 [21]
965.528 [20]
Brittaini Norf...
(Penalties: 0)
174.233 [22]
265.675 [22]
365.797 [22]
465.3 [21]
564.826 [21]
665.631 [21]
766.107 [22]
865.756 [22]
966.107 [21]
Scott Graham
(Penalties: 0)
169.603 [19]
265.714 [19]
365.777 [20]
465.3 [18]
564.35 [18]
665.466 [18]
764.846 [18]
866.52 [19]
965.054 [19]
Michael Winder
(Penalties: 0)
166.355 [4]
264.784 [4]
365.55 [5]
466.003 [7]
565.858 [8]
664.268 [8]
764.081 [8]
864.122 [8]
965.322 [8]
Laurence Tind...
(Penalties: 0)
168.217 [12]
265.653 [12]
364.701 [11]
464.639 [10]
564.226 [9]
664.143 [9]
764.185 [9]
863.603 [9]
964.867 [9]