Heat Results

Heat Type

N35-ST Sprint Race

Win By



13/07/2024 10:00


Lilia Scatchard

Heat Winner: RacerLilia Scatchard
Best Lap60.586 # of Laps15 Gap from Leader- Average Lap61.281
ProSkill SCORE1245 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: Racerlily Jeffs
Best Lap61.062 # of Laps15 Gap from Leader4.321 Average Lap61.52
ProSkill SCORE1225 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerSkye Batley
Best Lap60.875 # of Laps15 Gap from Leader7.838 Average Lap61.693
ProSkill SCORE1270 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 LW - Alyona Ni... 60.69 7.957 15 61.684 1215
5 Lucie Shuckford 61.393 12.882 15 62.098 1255
6 Keira Boylan 61.776 16.957 15 62.299 1245
7 Ella Wroe 61.517 21.403 15 62.552 1255
8 Emma Rabbage 61.662 21.588 15 62.602 1305
9 LW - Amelia C... 61.909 21.898 15 62.575 1245
10 Anonymous 61.971 23.019 15 62.679 1215
11 Anonymous 61.849 24.401 15 62.784 1230
12 Anonymous 62.054 24.917 15 62.796 1225
13 Zoe Liang 62.034 25.558 15 62.85 1290
14 Anonymous 62.262 27.771 15 62.933 1230
15 Anna Draper 62.551 39.806 15 63.684 1245
16 LW - Darcie Ba... 62.86 40.425 15 63.736 1245
17 Katherine Hard... 62.388 40.571 15 63.774 1215
18 Zuzanna Michal... 62.738 46.835 15 63.983 1245
19 Emilia Hill 63.524 51.882 15 64.37 1215
20 Kathryn Shea 64.287 66.129 15 65.415 1245
21 Clare Mayhew 65.301 1L 14 66.344 1220
22 Anonymous 65.26 1L 14 66.586 1215
23 Anonymous 65.445 1L 14 66.663 1215
24 Anonymous 62.737 1L 14 67.008 1215
25 Rebecca Boylan 65.734 1L 14 67.029 1225
26 Anonymous 67.327 1L 14 69.367 1215

Lap Times by Racer

Emma Rabbage
(Penalties: 0)
163.834 [6]
262.405 [6]
362.262 [7]
462.343 [8]
561.662 [7]
662.55 [7]
762.448 [7]
863.501 [7]
962.49 [7]
1062.591 [7]
1162.489 [7]
1263.419 [7]
1362.2 [7]
1462.405 [7]
1562.427 [8]
Lucie Shuckford
(Penalties: 0)
163.233 [3]
262.158 [3]
361.972 [3]
461.806 [3]
561.952 [3]
661.866 [3]
762.014 [4]
861.393 [4]
962.302 [5]
1061.662 [5]
1161.393 [5]
1261.703 [5]
1362.365 [5]
1463.852 [5]
1561.806 [5]
Keira Boylan
(Penalties: 0)
163.259 [4]
262.343 [4]
361.776 [4]
461.857 [4]
562.966 [6]
662.013 [6]
762.214 [6]
861.874 [6]
962.281 [6]
1062.427 [6]
1162.116 [6]
1262.402 [6]
1362.142 [6]
1462.22 [6]
1562.592 [6]
Ella Wroe
(Penalties: 0)
164.328 [8]
261.93 [8]
361.91 [8]
461.992 [7]
562.054 [8]
662.552 [8]
762.386 [8]
863.398 [8]
962.509 [8]
1062.798 [8]
1162.241 [8]
1264.432 [8]
1361.517 [8]
1462.22 [8]
1562.014 [7]
Anna Draper
(Penalties: 0)
166.128 [17]
263.874 [16]
362.551 [16]
463.232 [16]
563.627 [16]
664.308 [16]
763.874 [15]
863.295 [15]
963.11 [15]
1063.397 [15]
1163.916 [15]
1263.315 [15]
1363.234 [15]
1464.184 [15]
1563.213 [15]
Skye Batley
(Penalties: 0)
164.08 [7]
262.403 [7]
361.624 [6]
461.517 [6]
562.153 [5]
661.19 [5]
761.27 [5]
861.288 [5]
960.937 [4]
1061.022 [4]
1160.875 [4]
1261.166 [3]
1362.757 [3]
1461.64 [3]
1561.477 [3]
lily Jeffs
(Penalties: 0)
162.076 [2]
261.682 [2]
361.248 [2]
461.062 [2]
561.166 [2]
661.455 [2]
761.784 [2]
861.827 [2]
961.538 [2]
1061.351 [2]
1161.414 [2]
1261.579 [2]
1361.6 [2]
1461.217 [2]
1561.794 [2]
Katherine Hard...
(Penalties: 0)
166.542 [16]
264.454 [17]
362.388 [17]
463.168 [17]
563.606 [17]
664.348 [17]
764.475 [17]
863.252 [17]
963.275 [17]
1063.379 [17]
1164.1 [17]
1263.007 [17]
1363.275 [17]
1463.707 [17]
1563.627 [17]
(Penalties: 0)
165.735 [11]
262.653 [11]
362.469 [11]
463.006 [11]
562.839 [11]
662.613 [11]
763.006 [11]
862.592 [11]
962.426 [11]
1063.398 [11]
1162.532 [11]
1262.074 [11]
1362.116 [11]
1462.447 [11]
1561.849 [11]
(Penalties: 0)
168.505 [20]
299.44 [26]
364.805 [26]
465.073 [26]
564.267 [26]
664.266 [26]
763.999 [25]
863.544 [25]
963.894 [25]
1064.081 [25]
1162.737 [25]
1263.377 [25]
1364.226 [25]
1465.9 [24]
Lilia Scatchard
(Penalties: 0)
161.765 [1]
261.414 [1]
361.228 [1]
461.041 [1]
560.979 [1]
661.04 [1]
761.041 [1]
861.621 [1]
960.69 [1]
1060.586 [1]
1162.841 [1]
1262.881 [1]
1360.628 [1]
1460.73 [1]
1560.731 [1]
(Penalties: 0)
168.402 [25]
265.777 [23]
367.121 [23]
466.52 [24]
567.038 [23]
667.038 [23]
765.632 [23]
865.445 [23]
967.369 [23]
1066.128 [23]
1166.707 [23]
1267.161 [24]
1366.914 [23]
1466.025 [23]
Zuzanna Michal...
(Penalties: 0)
167.554 [21]
263.729 [20]
365.714 [20]
463.896 [20]
565.321 [20]
664.825 [19]
763.295 [19]
862.738 [18]
963.191 [18]
1063.419 [18]
1163.625 [18]
1263.607 [18]
1363.274 [18]
1462.798 [18]
1562.757 [18]
LW - Amelia C...
(Penalties: 0)
164.453 [10]
263.212 [10]
362.095 [10]
462.697 [9]
562.385 [9]
662.385 [9]
762.033 [9]
861.973 [9]
962.013 [9]
1062.653 [9]
1162.22 [9]
1264.372 [10]
1361.909 [9]
1462.012 [9]
1562.22 [9]
LW - Darcie Ba...
(Penalties: 0)
165.631 [15]
263.668 [15]
363.253 [15]
463.295 [15]
563.317 [15]
664.659 [15]
764.576 [16]
863.296 [16]
963.295 [16]
1063.358 [16]
1164.06 [16]
1262.86 [16]
1363.399 [16]
1463.77 [16]
1563.605 [16]
Kathryn Shea
(Penalties: 0)
166.77 [18]
265.342 [18]
365.548 [18]
464.516 [18]
566.024 [19]
665.487 [20]
764.702 [20]
864.287 [20]
965.239 [20]
1064.95 [20]
1165.362 [20]
1265.922 [20]
1365.134 [20]
1465.529 [20]
1566.418 [20]
Zoe Liang
(Penalties: 0)
166.252 [14]
263.729 [14]
362.489 [14]
462.157 [14]
562.365 [14]
662.716 [13]
762.716 [13]
862.654 [13]
962.53 [13]
1063.771 [13]
1162.034 [13]
1262.219 [13]
1362.551 [13]
1462.468 [13]
1562.096 [13]
(Penalties: 0)
164.721 [9]
263.027 [9]
362.322 [9]
463.441 [10]
562.302 [10]
662.303 [10]
761.971 [10]
862.159 [10]
962.798 [10]
1062.2 [10]
1162.115 [10]
1263.565 [9]
1362.529 [10]
1462.365 [10]
1562.369 [10]
LW - Alyona Ni...
(Penalties: 0)
163.147 [5]
262.447 [5]
361.682 [5]
461.848 [5]
562.199 [4]
660.69 [4]
761.351 [3]
861.455 [3]
960.834 [3]
1061.041 [3]
1161.248 [3]
1261.414 [4]
1362.964 [4]
1461.476 [4]
1561.471 [4]
(Penalties: 0)
168.423 [22]
266.128 [21]
366.065 [21]
466.996 [22]
568.754 [24]
667.038 [24]
765.569 [24]
865.664 [24]
967.193 [24]
1066.541 [24]
1166.893 [24]
1265.26 [22]
1366.024 [22]
1465.652 [22]
(Penalties: 0)
166.004 [13]
262.799 [13]
362.117 [13]
463.068 [13]
562.508 [12]
662.592 [12]
763.027 [12]
862.592 [12]
962.365 [12]
1063.46 [12]
1162.655 [12]
1262.054 [12]
1362.384 [12]
1462.199 [12]
1562.117 [12]
(Penalties: 0)
164.805 [12]
262.674 [12]
362.468 [12]
463.027 [12]
562.86 [13]
663.709 [14]
762.902 [14]
862.282 [14]
962.799 [14]
1063.274 [14]
1162.262 [14]
1262.592 [14]
1362.55 [14]
1463.006 [14]
1562.778 [14]
Clare Mayhew
(Penalties: 0)
167.824 [24]
267.513 [24]
366.273 [24]
465.693 [23]
567.348 [22]
666.107 [22]
765.301 [22]
866.087 [22]
966.77 [22]
1066.562 [22]
1166.5 [22]
1265.693 [21]
1365.838 [21]
1465.301 [21]
Rebecca Boylan
(Penalties: 0)
168.381 [23]
266.274 [22]
366.354 [22]
465.782 [21]
566.62 [21]
665.734 [21]
766.563 [21]
867.12 [21]
966.603 [21]
1066.46 [21]
1166.483 [21]
1268.522 [23]
1367.638 [24]
1469.87 [25]
(Penalties: 0)
169.188 [26]
267.968 [25]
373.945 [25]
470.615 [25]
568.981 [25]
668.588 [25]
771.091 [26]
870.244 [26]
969.684 [26]
1068.712 [26]
1168.651 [26]
1267.969 [26]
1367.327 [26]
1468.174 [26]
Emilia Hill
(Penalties: 0)
166.727 [19]
264.558 [19]
365.342 [19]
464.349 [19]
564.928 [18]
663.71 [18]
764.205 [18]
865.176 [19]
963.729 [19]
1063.772 [19]
1163.956 [19]
1263.833 [19]
1363.873 [19]
1463.524 [19]
1563.874 [19]