Heat Results

Heat Type

Excl SODI Sprint Race

Win By



19/11/2016 14:10



Heat Winner: RacerAnonymous
Best Lap60.4 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader- Average Lap60.738
ProSkill SCORE1921 This Round +/- 207
2nd Place: RacerNeil Humpherston
Best Lap60.482 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader4.938 Average Lap60.968
ProSkill SCORE1916 This Round +/- 168
3rd Place: RacerAndy Spencer
Best Lap60.936 # of Laps19 Gap from Leader13.231 Average Lap61.345
ProSkill SCORE2294 This Round +/- 52
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Richard Mabbett 60.916 14.947 19 61.464 1480
5 Jason Whittle 61.02 16.353 19 61.55 1792
6 Paul Cox 60.792 23.900 19 61.897 2236
7 Jon Brown 61.062 24.293 19 61.868 1362
8 Andrew Strike 61.185 25.265 19 61.957 1845
9 Rachel Spencer 61.497 27.374 19 62.102 1040
10 Lou Aracsi 61.269 28.346 19 62.087 873
11 Simon Stansfield 61.494 38.106 19 62.52 1577
12 Anonymous 61.764 41.105 19 62.634 1290
13 Neil Graham 61.495 41.331 19 62.714 952
14 Anonymous 61.559 42.386 19 62.7 1363
15 Trevor Hansford 61.247 43.151 19 62.837 1515
16 James Curtis 61.269 43.793 19 62.813 1438
17 David Brown 61.434 46.770 19 62.939 1176
18 Bob Moss 61.992 46.873 19 62.915 1345
19 James Willis 61.041 48.610 19 63.145 1002
20 Anonymous 61.64 51.650 19 63.243 814
21 Noel Uhure 61.764 55.516 19 63.35 1038
22 Tony Jessop 61.369 1L 18 62.055 1032
23 Mark Mason 62.487 1L 18 63.82 1098
24 Sam Stratford 63.356 1L 18 64.216 854
25 Paul Low 62.055 1L 18 63.787 669
26 H - Paul Malin 61.248 2L 17 68.548 1021

Lap Times by Racer

Paul Cox
(Penalties: 0)
168.505 [11]
262.302 [11]
362.157 [10]
461.951 [11]
561.475 [11]
661.061 [10]
761.682 [9]
861.537 [9]
960.937 [8]
1060.792 [7]
1161.186 [7]
1261.123 [6]
1361.496 [6]
1460.958 [6]
1561.764 [6]
1661.413 [6]
1761.619 [6]
1861.951 [6]
1962.137 [6]
James Curtis
(Penalties: 0)
172.03 [21]
263.605 [22]
362.897 [20]
462.14 [20]
563.026 [20]
661.823 [18]
762.679 [18]
863.417 [19]
962.013 [19]
1061.972 [19]
1161.615 [18]
1261.979 [18]
1361.947 [17]
1462.405 [17]
1561.269 [17]
1661.784 [16]
1761.961 [16]
1862.602 [17]
1962.282 [16]
(Penalties: 0)
166.003 [16]
263.708 [15]
362.757 [13]
461.867 [13]
561.559 [13]
662.261 [12]
761.909 [12]
862.119 [12]
962.009 [12]
1062.508 [12]
1162.157 [12]
1262.157 [12]
1362.325 [12]
1462.405 [12]
1562.012 [12]
1662.24 [12]
1767.492 [15]
1861.991 [15]
1961.827 [14]
Andy Spencer
(Penalties: 0)
163.812 [5]
261.288 [3]
361.517 [3]
461.102 [3]
561.331 [3]
661.35 [3]
761 [3]
861.267 [3]
961.145 [3]
1061.206 [3]
1161.269 [3]
1261.329 [3]
1361.29 [3]
1461.163 [3]
1561.104 [3]
1660.936 [3]
1761.228 [3]
1861.143 [3]
1961.083 [3]
Jon Brown
(Penalties: 0)
166.375 [7]
262.323 [7]
362.301 [8]
461.352 [8]
561.495 [7]
662.075 [7]
761.516 [7]
861.434 [7]
961.391 [7]
1061.517 [8]
1161.226 [8]
1261.848 [7]
1361.205 [7]
1461.435 [7]
1561.722 [7]
1661.455 [7]
1761.578 [7]
1861.062 [7]
1962.177 [7]
David Brown
(Penalties: 0)
166.314 [17]
265.631 [18]
366.463 [21]
462.049 [21]
562.198 [18]
662.24 [17]
762.608 [17]
862.183 [17]
962.012 [17]
1062.096 [17]
1162.447 [17]
1262.301 [17]
1362.798 [18]
1462.695 [19]
1561.454 [19]
1661.434 [19]
1761.682 [18]
1862.281 [18]
1964.949 [17]
Neil Humpherston
(Penalties: 0)
163.273 [2]
260.979 [2]
360.523 [2]
460.67 [2]
560.544 [2]
660.482 [2]
761.165 [2]
860.916 [2]
960.896 [2]
1060.772 [2]
1160.999 [2]
1260.918 [2]
1361.144 [2]
1460.854 [2]
1560.689 [2]
1661.144 [2]
1760.895 [2]
1860.607 [2]
1960.916 [2]
Mark Mason
(Penalties: 0)
180.147 [25]
262.612 [25]
363.006 [25]
462.631 [25]
562.841 [25]
662.592 [25]
762.487 [25]
862.819 [25]
962.736 [25]
1062.985 [25]
1162.736 [24]
1262.963 [23]
1362.675 [23]
1463.316 [23]
1563.149 [23]
1663.274 [23]
1762.777 [23]
1863.005 [23]
James Willis
(Penalties: 0)
185.668 [26]
262.343 [26]
361.64 [26]
461.93 [26]
562.075 [26]
661.537 [24]
761.392 [24]
861.661 [24]
961.64 [22]
1061.847 [22]
1161.785 [22]
1261.847 [21]
1361.041 [20]
1461.64 [20]
1561.496 [20]
1661.103 [20]
1761.557 [20]
1861.765 [19]
1965.796 [19]
Simon Stansfield
(Penalties: 0)
166.396 [13]
263.501 [14]
365.363 [16]
462.716 [16]
561.847 [16]
661.868 [14]
761.703 [14]
861.494 [14]
961.578 [14]
1061.806 [14]
1161.909 [14]
1262.406 [14]
1361.971 [14]
1462.406 [14]
1561.909 [13]
1662.135 [13]
1762.075 [12]
1861.951 [12]
1962.84 [11]
(Penalties: 0)
163.667 [1]
260.833 [1]
360.483 [1]
460.482 [1]
560.461 [1]
660.42 [1]
760.484 [1]
860.4 [1]
960.668 [1]
1060.544 [1]
1160.42 [1]
1260.503 [1]
1360.565 [1]
1460.647 [1]
1560.422 [1]
1660.751 [1]
1760.772 [1]
1860.544 [1]
1960.961 [1]
Richard Mabbett
(Penalties: 0)
163.605 [3]
262.405 [4]
361.785 [4]
461.475 [4]
561.371 [4]
661.145 [4]
760.916 [4]
861.268 [4]
961.31 [4]
1060.937 [4]
1161.165 [4]
1261.309 [4]
1361.165 [4]
1461.392 [4]
1561.268 [4]
1661.537 [4]
1761.165 [4]
1861.144 [4]
1961.454 [4]
Jason Whittle
(Penalties: 0)
164.08 [4]
262.199 [5]
362.384 [5]
461.31 [5]
561.392 [5]
661.165 [5]
761.247 [5]
861.682 [5]
961.227 [5]
1061.144 [5]
1161.02 [5]
1261.661 [5]
1361.268 [5]
1461.743 [5]
1561.289 [5]
1661.289 [5]
1761.227 [5]
1861.082 [5]
1961.04 [5]
Paul Low
(Penalties: 0)
165.88 [23]
262.487 [23]
362.199 [23]
463.502 [24]
562.528 [24]
662.055 [23]
763.833 [22]
863.769 [22]
964.515 [23]
1064.245 [24]
1162.923 [23]
1265.114 [25]
1364.059 [25]
1464.908 [24]
1564.474 [25]
1664.017 [25]
1764.556 [25]
1863.108 [25]
Trevor Hansford
(Penalties: 0)
177.644 [24]
262.717 [24]
362.032 [24]
462.344 [23]
561.909 [23]
662.178 [20]
761.247 [20]
861.641 [18]
961.826 [18]
1062.468 [18]
1162.632 [19]
1261.91 [19]
1362.673 [19]
1462.014 [18]
1561.308 [18]
1661.517 [17]
1761.95 [17]
1861.889 [16]
1962.012 [15]
Tony Jessop
(Penalties: 0)
167.099 [10]
261.992 [10]
362.925 [11]
461.369 [10]
561.578 [10]
661.681 [11]
762.157 [11]
861.476 [11]
961.764 [11]
1061.847 [11]
1161.867 [11]
1261.787 [11]
1361.536 [11]
1461.702 [11]
1561.516 [11]
1661.621 [11]
1761.64 [11]
1861.433 [10]
Sam Stratford
(Penalties: 0)
166.52 [20]
264.638 [20]
363.356 [18]
463.544 [19]
564.163 [21]
664.038 [22]
764.039 [23]
864.288 [23]
964.018 [24]
1063.997 [23]
1164.142 [25]
1263.647 [24]
1364.328 [24]
1465.714 [25]
1563.625 [24]
1663.544 [24]
1764.018 [24]
1864.265 [24]
Rachel Spencer
(Penalties: 0)
165.196 [6]
262.303 [6]
361.867 [6]
462.116 [6]
561.889 [6]
661.66 [6]
761.621 [6]
862.012 [6]
961.64 [6]
1061.848 [6]
1161.681 [6]
1263.563 [9]
1362.158 [9]
1461.557 [9]
1561.972 [9]
1661.64 [9]
1761.763 [9]
1861.497 [9]
1961.95 [9]
Andrew Strike
(Penalties: 0)
167.266 [8]
262.363 [8]
361.786 [7]
461.246 [7]
562.138 [8]
662.053 [8]
761.806 [8]
861.433 [8]
961.889 [9]
1061.185 [9]
1161.351 [9]
1261.826 [8]
1361.517 [8]
1461.826 [8]
1561.372 [8]
1661.412 [8]
1761.538 [8]
1861.412 [8]
1961.765 [8]
H - Paul Malin
(Penalties: 0)
166.706 [14]
262.777 [12]
362.261 [12]
462.426 [12]
561.661 [12]
6110.832 [26]
767.431 [26]
868.898 [26]
965.651 [26]
1062.51 [26]
11101.424 [26]
1263.687 [26]
1362.84 [26]
1461.579 [26]
1562.114 [26]
1661.268 [26]
1761.248 [26]
(Penalties: 0)
166.893 [15]
265.88 [17]
364.369 [19]
463.273 [18]
563.316 [19]
663.233 [19]
761.929 [19]
863.283 [20]
962.645 [20]
1062.137 [20]
1165.217 [21]
1262.57 [22]
1361.951 [22]
1461.972 [22]
1561.64 [22]
1663.356 [21]
1762.53 [21]
1862.757 [21]
1962.674 [20]
Neil Graham
(Penalties: 0)
166.831 [12]
263.459 [13]
363.812 [14]
461.827 [14]
561.495 [14]
662.282 [13]
761.889 [13]
862.074 [13]
962.261 [13]
1062.259 [13]
1162.2 [13]
1262.282 [13]
1362.239 [13]
1462.364 [13]
1562.365 [14]
1662.259 [14]
1765.425 [14]
1862.343 [14]
1961.909 [13]
Lou Aracsi
(Penalties: 0)
167.141 [9]
262.199 [9]
362.363 [9]
461.289 [9]
561.64 [9]
661.909 [9]
762.324 [10]
861.556 [10]
961.352 [10]
1061.269 [10]
1161.68 [10]
1261.765 [10]
1361.991 [10]
1461.848 [10]
1561.847 [10]
1661.702 [10]
1761.889 [10]
1862.013 [11]
1961.867 [10]
Noel Uhure
(Penalties: 0)
170.822 [22]
262.902 [21]
364.742 [22]
462.26 [22]
562.039 [22]
663.455 [21]
761.785 [21]
862.338 [21]
963.134 [21]
1062.344 [21]
1164.142 [20]
1261.846 [20]
1362.51 [21]
1461.826 [21]
1561.764 [21]
1668.319 [22]
1762.323 [22]
1862.179 [22]
1962.921 [21]
(Penalties: 0)
167.058 [19]
264.536 [16]
362.509 [15]
462.343 [15]
562.198 [15]
662.695 [15]
762.26 [15]
862.075 [15]
961.909 [15]
1062.22 [15]
1162.344 [15]
1262.322 [15]
1361.764 [15]
1462.405 [15]
1562.24 [15]
1662.302 [15]
1762.344 [13]
1862.571 [13]
1961.951 [12]
Bob Moss
(Penalties: 0)
166.313 [18]
265.156 [19]
362.881 [17]
462.777 [17]
562.385 [17]
662.219 [16]
762.013 [16]
862.364 [16]
961.992 [16]
1062.571 [16]
1162.281 [16]
1262.364 [16]
1362.467 [16]
1462.778 [16]
1562.612 [16]
1662.798 [18]
1763.336 [19]
1862.613 [20]
1963.459 [18]