Heat Results

Heat Type

Excl SODI Cup

Win By

Best Lap


23/04/2017 15:00



Heat Winner: RacerAnonymous
Best Lap60.297 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader- Average Lap61.678
ProSkill SCORE1295 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerLW - Ricky Goo...
Best Lap60.667 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader0.370 Average Lap60.929
ProSkill SCORE1440 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerAnonymous
Best Lap60.731 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader0.434 Average Lap61.566
ProSkill SCORE1220 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Ben Lymn 61.412 1.115 6 61.868 1280
5 H - James Elkins 62.22 1.923 6 63.398 1430
6 Phillip Rogers 62.241 1.944 6 62.914 1220
7 Terry Fitzpatr... 62.437 2.140 6 64.538 1210
8 Vaughan Stone 62.695 2.398 6 63.419 1260
9 William Cheaney 63.066 2.769 6 64.018 1210
10 Harvey Beardsell 63.133 2.836 6 63.942 1210
11 Tom Roberts 63.212 2.915 6 63.981 1215
12 Anonymous 63.295 2.998 6 64.097 1210
13 Robert Elkins 63.337 3.040 6 64.482 1240
14 Ryan Sullivan 64.597 4.300 5 73.84 1210
15 Jonathan Fair 65.425 5.128 6 68.402 1210
16 Leo Bradford 65.655 5.358 6 66.785 1210
17 Tom Wolfe 67.264 6.967 5 70.811 1210
18 Tony Fitzpatrick 68.588 8.291 5 70.87 1210
19 Kelly Fitzpatr... 71.068 10.771 5 72.078 1210
20 Kim Hooper 75.101 14.804 4 80.065 1210

Lap Times by Racer

Robert Elkins
(Penalties: 0)
168.836 [13]
264.123 [9]
365.692 [12]
464.143 [13]
565.114 [13]
663.337 [13]
Ben Lymn
(Penalties: 0)
163.006 [3]
261.412 [3]
361.579 [3]
462.157 [4]
562.386 [4]
661.805 [4]
Vaughan Stone
(Penalties: 0)
163.217 [4]
262.695 [5]
363.316 [6]
464.018 [7]
562.985 [7]
664.08 [8]
Tom Roberts
(Penalties: 0)
163.546 [5]
263.271 [6]
363.936 [8]
464.286 [10]
563.212 [11]
665.198 [11]
LW - Ricky Goo...
(Penalties: 0)
171.048 [15]
261.103 [2]
360.669 [1]
461.372 [1]
560.667 [2]
660.835 [2]
H - James Elkins
(Penalties: 0)
164.846 [10]
264.68 [14]
364.929 [14]
462.302 [6]
562.22 [5]
662.86 [5]
Phillip Rogers
(Penalties: 0)
162.902 [2]
262.675 [4]
362.673 [5]
462.241 [5]
562.882 [6]
664.1 [6]
(Penalties: 0)
160.731 [1]
261.206 [1]
363.051 [2]
461.036 [2]
560.752 [3]
661.785 [3]
(Penalties: 0)
164.598 [8]
264.577 [12]
361.928 [4]
461.02 [3]
560.566 [1]
660.297 [1]
(Penalties: 0)
165.796 [11]
264.508 [11]
363.964 [11]
464.265 [12]
564.454 [12]
663.295 [12]
Terry Fitzpatr...
(Penalties: 0)
164.122 [7]
263.543 [7]
363.894 [9]
469.726 [11]
563.088 [9]
662.437 [7]
Kim Hooper
(Penalties: 0)
177.542 [19]
275.101 [20]
388.315 [20]
476.778 [20]
Kelly Fitzpatr...
(Penalties: 0)
1104.691 [20]
272.518 [19]
373.078 [19]
471.646 [19]
571.068 [19]
Jonathan Fair
(Penalties: 0)
175.371 [17]
266.503 [15]
375.471 [16]
466.52 [16]
568.092 [16]
665.425 [15]
Ryan Sullivan
(Penalties: 0)
167.451 [12]
264.597 [13]
366.417 [13]
467.595 [14]
596.753 [14]
Tony Fitzpatrick
(Penalties: 0)
172.259 [16]
273.902 [18]
370.687 [18]
468.588 [18]
570.304 [18]
Tom Wolfe
(Penalties: 0)
170.269 [14]
268.546 [17]
379.771 [17]
467.264 [17]
567.663 [17]
Leo Bradford
(Penalties: 0)
176.569 [18]
267.945 [16]
365.655 [15]
465.879 [15]
566.17 [15]
668.277 [16]
William Cheaney
(Penalties: 0)
164.619 [9]
264.412 [10]
363.066 [7]
464.432 [8]
564.06 [8]
664.122 [9]
Harvey Beardsell
(Penalties: 0)
163.802 [6]
263.987 [8]
365.321 [10]
463.133 [9]
563.663 [10]
663.606 [10]