Heat Results

Heat Type

SODI Discount D40

Win By



17/02/2018 15:25


HW - Darren Ho...

Heat Winner: RacerHW - Darren Ho...
Best Lap60.792 # of Laps18 Gap from Leader- Average Lap62.054
ProSkill SCORE2210 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerLW - James Cook
Best Lap60.916 # of Laps18 Gap from Leader0.206 Average Lap62.099
ProSkill SCORE2060 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerTim Watts
Best Lap61.826 # of Laps18 Gap from Leader12.240 Average Lap62.718
ProSkill SCORE1540 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 David Ellis 62.385 30.727 18 63.719 1220
5 James Boswell 62.345 34.468 18 63.905 1220
6 Dave Fisher 62.654 57.214 18 65.103 1220
7 Luke Saltinstall 63.522 59.178 18 65.268 1210
8 Dean Bennett 62.467 65.588 18 65.56 1210
9 Alex Etemad 64.185 1L 17 65.86 1210
10 Andrew Dicken 62.882 1L 17 66.119 1210
11 Chris Saltinst... 62.943 1L 17 66.007 1210
12 Anthony Phillips 63.646 1L 17 66.118 1210
13 Robert Harding 63.976 1L 17 66.755 1210
14 Chris Dicken 63.088 1L 17 67.242 1210
15 Arkadiusz Wagn... 64.246 1L 17 67.248 1220
16 Myles Cahill 65.651 1L 17 67.482 1210
17 Andy Lewis 64.4 1L 17 68.601 1210
18 Mark Hopcraft 65.92 1L 17 68.667 1210
19 David Unwin 63.357 2L 16 69.644 1210
20 Anonymous 64.721 2L 16 69.611 1210
21 Neil Chahal 65.818 2L 16 69.806 1210
22 Scott Culbard 66.397 2L 16 69.995 1210
23 Greg Starkey 66.21 2L 16 70.161 1210
24 kash SEHMBI 65.074 2L 16 70.653 1210
25 Dominic Salmon 63.709 2L 16 71.168 1210
26 Richard Taiwo 64.846 2L 16 72.544 1210
27 Alan Durose 69.756 3L 15 74.404 1210
28 James O'Hare 64.784 3L 15 74.707 1210
29 Daniel Lievesley 71.442 3L 15 75.845 1210
30 Sia Etemad 82.214 5L 13 88.669 1210

Lap Times by Racer

Tim Watts
(Penalties: 0)
163.605 [2]
262.757 [3]
361.826 [3]
461.847 [3]
563.336 [3]
661.93 [3]
763.398 [3]
862.075 [3]
962.86 [3]
1062.075 [3]
1161.888 [3]
1262.323 [3]
1363.026 [3]
1463.15 [3]
1562.26 [3]
1662.261 [3]
1762.633 [3]
1865.672 [3]
HW - Darren Ho...
(Penalties: 0)
164.742 [3]
261.517 [2]
361.475 [2]
461.082 [2]
562.343 [2]
661.723 [2]
761.744 [2]
863.005 [2]
961.784 [2]
1061.704 [2]
1161.558 [2]
1260.792 [2]
1363.377 [2]
1461.123 [2]
1562.695 [2]
1661.909 [2]
1761.95 [2]
1862.449 [1]
LW - James Cook
(Penalties: 0)
164.039 [1]
261.351 [1]
360.916 [1]
461.372 [1]
561.599 [1]
661.806 [1]
761.681 [1]
861.868 [1]
962.241 [1]
1061.267 [1]
1161.433 [1]
1261.807 [1]
1364.928 [1]
1461.082 [1]
1562.922 [1]
1662.344 [1]
1760.917 [1]
1864.204 [2]
James Boswell
(Penalties: 0)
165.032 [5]
263.584 [5]
363.026 [5]
462.653 [5]
564.95 [5]
663.149 [4]
763.233 [4]
862.839 [4]
963.564 [4]
1063.769 [4]
1163.337 [4]
1262.384 [4]
1365.715 [4]
1464.327 [4]
1562.345 [4]
1667.636 [5]
1764.453 [5]
1864.286 [5]
David Ellis
(Penalties: 0)
165.197 [4]
263.316 [4]
363.025 [4]
462.84 [4]
564.846 [4]
663.728 [5]
763.709 [5]
862.425 [5]
964.556 [5]
1065.136 [5]
1162.549 [5]
1263.626 [5]
1362.758 [5]
1464.927 [5]
1562.385 [5]
1663.335 [4]
1763.44 [4]
1865.136 [4]
Dave Fisher
(Penalties: 0)
167.617 [10]
265.403 [9]
364.04 [8]
463.707 [8]
563.668 [8]
665.258 [8]
764.722 [9]
863.563 [9]
971.546 [9]
1065.982 [8]
1162.654 [8]
1263.521 [7]
1363.44 [7]
1464.038 [7]
1563.213 [6]
1665.258 [6]
1767.865 [6]
1866.355 [6]
Richard Taiwo
(Penalties: 0)
177.21 [20]
266.873 [19]
366.333 [19]
466.624 [17]
569.499 [17]
665.671 [17]
772.228 [18]
8107.215 [27]
967.925 [27]
1065.88 [27]
1173.777 [27]
1264.846 [27]
1365.922 [26]
1465.754 [26]
1597.393 [26]
1667.554 [26]
(Penalties: 0)
177.834 [23]
283.577 [26]
365.486 [26]
465.818 [24]
565.941 [24]
676.962 [25]
768.444 [25]
866.375 [24]
981.78 [26]
1065.922 [26]
1165.713 [26]
1265.074 [26]
1377.561 [25]
1466.437 [25]
1567.204 [25]
1670.324 [24]
Chris Saltinst...
(Penalties: 0)
168.878 [14]
265.858 [14]
365.569 [14]
466.376 [12]
564.742 [11]
667.223 [12]
764.288 [12]
864.431 [12]
969.56 [13]
1067.803 [13]
1164.39 [13]
1264.722 [12]
1364.969 [11]
1468.175 [12]
1562.943 [12]
1665.155 [11]
1767.037 [11]
Myles Cahill
(Penalties: 0)
169.617 [16]
266.603 [16]
366.169 [16]
470.532 [13]
567.43 [15]
665.88 [15]
766.995 [15]
867.905 [16]
969.043 [16]
1067.637 [16]
1166.955 [16]
1268.816 [16]
1366.665 [15]
1466.252 [16]
1565.651 [16]
1668.009 [16]
1767.037 [16]
Arkadiusz Wagn...
(Penalties: 0)
189.45 [25]
271.939 [25]
366.21 [24]
466.686 [23]
565.776 [21]
666.004 [20]
765.631 [19]
865.363 [18]
965.815 [18]
1064.329 [18]
1167.141 [17]
1264.639 [17]
1365.031 [16]
1464.867 [15]
1564.618 [15]
1664.246 [15]
1765.464 [15]
Neil Chahal
(Penalties: 0)
173.056 [19]
268.359 [20]
367.514 [20]
479.423 [22]
567.265 [23]
674.232 [23]
766.749 [23]
868.525 [22]
967.038 [21]
1067.409 [21]
1166.277 [22]
1267.094 [21]
1365.818 [19]
1479.712 [24]
1570.926 [24]
1667.491 [21]
David Unwin
(Penalties: 0)
166.644 [9]
267.369 [10]
363.501 [10]
463.956 [9]
563.688 [9]
664.411 [9]
763.357 [8]
864.018 [8]
965.61 [8]
1067.803 [7]
1165.3 [7]
1276.362 [9]
13123.282 [24]
1467.43 [22]
1563.916 [21]
1667.657 [19]
Sia Etemad
(Penalties: 0)
192.801 [29]
291.54 [30]
393.63 [30]
491.644 [30]
589.472 [30]
687.714 [30]
788.089 [30]
887.838 [30]
987.86 [30]
1084.819 [30]
1188.44 [30]
1286.64 [30]
1382.214 [30]
Greg Starkey
(Penalties: 0)
174.667 [21]
271.525 [22]
367.678 [22]
470.391 [20]
570.383 [20]
668.754 [22]
768.401 [21]
870.015 [20]
972.042 [22]
1067.74 [23]
1166.21 [23]
1271.069 [23]
1368.795 [23]
1471.008 [23]
1571.007 [23]
1672.889 [23]
Alex Etemad
(Penalties: 0)
167.098 [13]
265.074 [13]
365.383 [13]
466.211 [10]
564.926 [10]
665.901 [10]
765.631 [11]
864.185 [11]
971.109 [12]
1065.26 [11]
1164.432 [10]
1264.639 [10]
1364.244 [9]
1465.012 [10]
1564.597 [10]
1667.679 [10]
1768.235 [9]
Luke Saltinstall
(Penalties: 0)
166.789 [7]
264.619 [7]
363.522 [7]
464.659 [7]
565.57 [7]
665.197 [7]
763.915 [7]
863.893 [6]
966.127 [7]
1066.79 [6]
1164.701 [6]
1263.77 [6]
1364.949 [6]
1463.915 [6]
1566.541 [7]
1663.976 [7]
1770.821 [7]
1865.073 [7]
Daniel Lievesley
(Penalties: 0)
185.543 [27]
275.97 [27]
375.743 [27]
480.685 [29]
576.776 [29]
674.026 [29]
774.44 [29]
874.42 [29]
972.392 [29]
1072.062 [29]
1177.79 [29]
1274.088 [29]
1376.467 [29]
1475.825 [29]
1571.442 [29]
Alan Durose
(Penalties: 0)
188.749 [28]
276.776 [28]
373.014 [28]
477.996 [28]
573.262 [28]
673.344 [28]
772.66 [28]
871.318 [28]
972.806 [28]
1073.8 [28]
1171.214 [28]
1271.917 [28]
1371.618 [27]
1469.756 [27]
1577.83 [27]
Robert Harding
(Penalties: 0)
171.256 [18]
265.694 [18]
368.504 [18]
468.878 [16]
565.776 [16]
666.025 [16]
767.532 [16]
866.087 [15]
964.659 [15]
1065.239 [15]
1163.976 [15]
1266.339 [14]
1369.246 [13]
1464.204 [13]
1565.32 [13]
1668.34 [13]
1767.762 [13]
Mark Hopcraft
(Penalties: 0)
179.422 [24]
267.451 [23]
367.348 [23]
474.026 [21]
567.658 [22]
666.582 [21]
768.36 [20]
868.217 [19]
966.954 [19]
1066.623 [19]
1167.741 [19]
1265.92 [19]
1372.848 [18]
1466.087 [18]
1566.085 [18]
1668.176 [18]
1767.843 [18]
James O'Hare
(Penalties: 0)
169.808 [15]
266.169 [15]
365.941 [15]
4111.753 [26]
565.248 [26]
667.41 [27]
766.251 [27]
866.831 [26]
967.617 [25]
1065.94 [25]
1164.784 [25]
1269.146 [25]
13130.312 [28]
1472.371 [28]
1571.029 [28]
Dean Bennett
(Penalties: 0)
166.831 [8]
265.61 [8]
364.702 [9]
471.09 [11]
565.941 [12]
665.135 [11]
763.48 [10]
864.039 [10]
968.857 [10]
1064.038 [9]
1170.865 [12]
1264.7 [11]
1362.467 [10]
1463.977 [9]
1563.687 [9]
1663.998 [9]
1765.093 [8]
1865.569 [8]
(Penalties: 0)
186.884 [26]
270.367 [24]
369.601 [25]
470.656 [25]
569.766 [25]
666.521 [24]
766.52 [24]
868.754 [23]
967.637 [23]
1066.21 [22]
1164.721 [21]
1267.389 [20]
1366.313 [20]
1477.955 [21]
1566.417 [22]
1668.071 [20]
Dominic Salmon
(Penalties: 0)
1103.803 [30]
266.912 [29]
370.388 [29]
471.627 [27]
566.108 [27]
665.175 [26]
764.681 [26]
865.382 [25]
967.245 [24]
1064.803 [24]
1163.709 [24]
1272.041 [24]
1365.859 [22]
1469.291 [20]
1565.694 [20]
1695.964 [25]
Andrew Dicken
(Penalties: 0)
170.574 [12]
264.639 [12]
363.646 [11]
479.258 [15]
564.162 [13]
663.13 [13]
763.522 [13]
863.625 [13]
964.267 [11]
1064.99 [10]
1164.493 [9]
1262.882 [8]
1363.521 [8]
1463.419 [8]
1566.087 [8]
1663.831 [8]
1777.977 [10]
Andy Lewis
(Penalties: 0)
173.634 [17]
266.271 [17]
365.59 [17]
479.941 [18]
569.281 [18]
664.4 [18]
766.251 [17]
865.178 [17]
965.878 [17]
1064.597 [17]
1176.859 [18]
1266.501 [18]
1372.061 [17]
1465.569 [17]
1569.374 [17]
1668.982 [17]
1765.858 [17]
Anthony Phillips
(Penalties: 0)
167.718 [11]
265.508 [11]
364.371 [12]
478.326 [14]
565.156 [14]
663.749 [14]
764.163 [14]
865.405 [14]
963.789 [14]
1065.57 [12]
1163.647 [11]
1268.277 [13]
1364.163 [12]
1466.624 [11]
1563.646 [11]
1668.03 [12]
1765.858 [12]
Chris Dicken
(Penalties: 0)
165.59 [6]
264.349 [6]
364.019 [6]
464.866 [6]
565.588 [6]
664.495 [6]
763.956 [6]
864.805 [7]
965.879 [6]
1086.909 [14]
1163.088 [14]
1282.587 [15]
1363.975 [14]
1463.254 [14]
1563.791 [14]
1670.614 [14]
1765.342 [14]
Scott Culbard
(Penalties: 0)
175.578 [22]
269.684 [21]
366.458 [21]
471.008 [19]
570.076 [19]
666.458 [19]
773.428 [22]
870.365 [21]
968.878 [20]
1066.397 [20]
1166.685 [20]
1271.938 [22]
1367.43 [21]
1466.851 [19]
1568.775 [19]
1679.918 [22]